We are Cruelty Free and Vegan!
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And you will say... but wasn't testing on animals prohibited in the 2003 European regulations?
That's right, but there are two exceptions that you probably don't know:
1. Brands that physically sell in China must test on animals by law. Therefore, if you see that any of the cosmetic brands that you use daily have physical stores in that country, you will also know that even though they are European, they are testing on animals.
2. The law says that brands can testify only if they demonstrate that they do not have a reliable alternative system. Therefore, it is relatively easy to justify testing on animals.
We believe that there are other, much more ethical and less cruel methods of knowing the effects of the cosmetics we use, that is why we have done our part and have joined the Beauty Without Bunnies program of the animal group PETA, which certifies us as Cruelty. Free and vegan. Why use animal-based ingredients when there are much better plant-based alternatives?

Switch to the most natural and ethical cosmetics:
The Organic Republic